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VE6/JF-088, Barrier Lake Fire Lookout

After Saturdays successful activation, Janelle and I decided to tackle Barrier Lake Fire Look Out. I was worried this might be hard as we struggled with 20m and 40m at Three Carins the day before and only managed 2m FM contacts.

We started out our day on the #1 heading out to the trail head to get our hike on. But we hit a snag very quickly. I commented " I hope there is not a fire on the reservation" as I pointed out the black smoke billowing over the horizon. We then rolled up onto a massive semi fire with the cab burnt to the ground.

Thankfully we where one of the first in the area and only got delayed by 5-10 minutes. But in true #1 fashion the highway backed up quickly behind us. Weirdly enough this played a positive part in our trip as it slowed people getting to the Barrier Lake parking lot.

Off to the trail we hustled up the hill in hard packed conditions. Some spots where icy but I was able to avoid putting traction aids on my boots for the entire trip. The first view point is your false summit. But the views are priceless, and worth it even if you only get this far. Once passed this lookout you go straight up, climbing rock and navigating the steeps. This puts you up on the second lookout of this hike, and for 99% of people they turn around at this point or exit through Jewel Pass. But we kept heading west up the unmarked and maintained trail to the fire lookout. This was my first time at the fire look out and wow my mind was blow with the views of the area and of Yaminuska across the valley.

I grabbed a bench, and set up my HF rig to chase on 40m and 20m. I was struggling to get through as all bands where insanely busy as mentioned the day before do to some contesting in the USA. But somehow I was able to grab one contact on 20m.

Okay so now I need 3 more to collect points today, over to 2m 146.520, calling CQ CQ CQ. Nothing, the radio is crickets. I decided to give up on my Long Ranger antenna and put up my J-pole. I then realized I was able to hit the VE6RYC repeater now. I hit the repeater asking for contesting contacts on 146.52. Boom I got two more, at this point I am like "dam I am so close". The weather was starting to change, I was getting cold and grumpy. But I just needed 1 more contact to get my points, so I made one last ditch effort calling in on RYC repeater and bumping back to 146.520. SUCCESS! I got one more contact.

DONE AND DUSTED! I was so relived when the 4th contact was made. It blew my mind the struggle I had to go through to get the contacts.

Packed up and hiked back down. Down was a lot slippery then going up as the snow had melted with the temperature change through out the day. But we made quick time getting back down to the truck to enjoy a nice cold adult beverage.

VE6/JF-088 (Barrier Lake Fire Lookout)