Reilly Forster

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VE6/RA-014 (Prairie Mountain)

This past Tuesday, Mallen VE6VID reached out to me asking if I wanted to head up to the top of Prairie Mountian to get some more winter bonus points. I said “heck ya” and loaded up the gear and headed to the mountains meeting Mallen at 8:30am on route 66 at the gate. Geared up we headed up to the top, the slug up was a little slow due to a fresh 10-15cm of snow that had come down the night before. So that had us moving a little slower. The other issue was ice, the snow was hiding the thick sheet ice that was on the main path to the top from hikers weeks prior in the warm sun.

Once at the top we split up so we could both activate at the same. Taking my time setting up and getting comfortable allowed for no mistakes and for me to get my contacts very quickly and efficiently in 20meter band. I can think of the last time it had been blue bird and hardly any wind at the top. Very rare and very lucky.

Back down we went, hopped in the truck and stopped at Allen Bill to hammer out some emails and catch up on work. Another fun hike in our backyard.