Reilly Forster

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VE6/RA-087 (Three Cairns)

Another weekend of fun started out with and adventure on 40 south near Catarack Creek. Janelle and I meet up with Malen(VE6VID) as well as David (VE6DTS) at 10am. The day started out windy with a walk down snowmobile track. We then chose to take a more direct route to the summit. This was due to the amount of snow we saw on the long ridge route which was East facing.This involved going straight up the gut, gaining the rocky ridge-line and some interesting route finding. But looking back this was the best decision for the day. This allowed us to be speedy but safe and gain elevation and distance quickly.

We hung on the East side of the ridge to shelter us from the wind that was pushing in an afternoon storm. But as we started to get close to the summit and more exposed we noticed the sun popping and the windy calming down. Once up top I tossed up my HF rig to try and snag contacts on 40m. But due to contesting this was a major failure as I wasn't able to get a word in. After hearing David had success on 20m I jumped over there but had the same issue.

Mallen was playing around with a 2m extended double zep antenna for 2m. Wow that thing works amazing we where hitting Calgary with no problem and getting 5-9 to 5-7 signal reports. I was able to snag the 4 needed connections to score points for this summit.

We made quick work of descending and then dropped down into a draw and cut some KM of the hike out.

What a fun day with amazing views and some fun route finding.

PHOTO CREDIT: Finns Photos