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Grotto MTN Failed SOTA

Janelle and I headed out to Canmore with her family for mothers day to make an attempt on Grotto Mountian SOTA summit. As luck would have it weather rolled in night before and most of the day dropping a decent amount of snow up high on the Mountian.

Things where slow moving and route finding was very difficult do to the snow. We got up to the ridge, after 4 hours of hiking and decided to pull plug on the mission. As this happened Janelle started to get cold and lose feeling in her hands. I acted quick with her put a poncho on her and had a candle lit inside to warm her up.

Once a little warmer we split into two groups I took Janelle and we moved fast to get her as warm as we could. As we dropped elevation she regained feeling in her hands and we where out of the clear.

This is a reminder of how quick hypothermia can hit, and how little time you have to catch it. Be prepared with a way to warm your self our your partner quickly. Even if you think its just going to pass, get warm, get dry and stay alive.

In the end it took about 2 hours to get down, with some slip and sliding do to the warming weather. All 5 of us back to the truck with smiles and high-fives.

No SOTA points but a solid day out in the mountains. Which is a good day in my books.