Reilly Forster

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Raspberry Ridge

Raspberry Ridge fire lookout was the objective this past Saturday. Setting off from the parking lot at 0900 with Janelle and my long time friend Dex and his fiancé and dogo Teddy. We started the day off moving quickly getting to our lunch point which is the split for the long route or the short router up to the fire lookout. I could see the cornices I was warned about from Mallen and Ken who where up the week before had not come down yet. With this is opted for the safer route going the long way around and up the ridge.

We set off again heading toward some switch backs and I notice a safe and more direct all though steep route to get up to the ridge. We decided since this area was dry, and we had been dealing with snow and post holes that straight up would be best use of time and energy.

Making good time and getting up to the fire lookout 30 minutes before me SOTA spot, I setup had a snack and water and tuned the radio. 20 meter was coming in strong having contacts from F4WBN in France, and WB6POT in Northern California I quickly grabbed 8 contacts and another 4 points on the year.

We packed up and re-traced our steps to the truck, enjoying the beautiful weather that we lucked out on.

Until the next summit. 73.