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Crap weather, couple SAR call outs and a whole lot of nothing

It has been a hot minute since I have written something for the blog. I have been hiding from the bad weather, the COVID and just being plain lazy. I am 100% okay with that, I had been going steady with bunch hobbies and projects and need a nice reset.

After my last SOTA activation in McLean Creek I was called out for SAR which was good to get out and we retrieved the young boy safe and sound. Then the weather hit us for a bit, rain, snow, and cold weather. I decided to hide inside and work on some electronic projects (more on those soon).

I was invited out by a friend to take Janelle out to the Challenge Outdoors Land for a weekend of work and fun. We got out there, re-water proofed the tents as well as did some much needed tree trimming for safety in the area.

That brings us to me getting my first COVID-19 vaccine and one step closer to being back to normal. Maybe even travelling again, all tho that seems like a freaky thought now that I think about it.

The weather is finally turning as I write this, and bikes and hikes with a side of camping is in the mix.

Bring on summer, and bring on the adventures.