Reilly Forster

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Triple Threat SOTA Activation

Since day one I had heard of Mallen (VE6VID) crazy tripple summit activations. Being the crazy adventure head I am, this has been in the back of my head or a while now.

After a solid night sleep i woke up and decided it is time to do this. Jumping onto Caltopo i divised my plan and started to put this into reailty. In a 10 hour span we where going to hit 3 Summits on the Air locations. This will give us a grand total of 10km and 868 meters of elevation. If sucsefull this will bring me 21 points in one day.

I pitched the idea to Janelle on a Monday and with out hesitation she said “I am in”. Due to our busy lives these days we choose the day to be Sunday March 21 which is fitting for a 21 point day.

We intended to head up to Lusk N2 first but where unable to find that uptrack. With that we deviated to Stony Peak. Most of this side was dry with very little snow. We hit the summit, set up and got 4 contacts very quickly on 20 meters.

Then we headed over to Lusk N2, this involved post hole walking through snow and some creative route findings to get up top. But we made it. Setup once again and grabed 5 contacts on 20 meter very quickly. The fun part of this activation is when my antenna guide wire and throw weight got stuck in the tree and I needed to climb up to retrive it.

Thanks to Mallen (VE6VID) the uptrack from Lusk N2 to Lusk was flagged and we made quick work getting to the top. As we neared the top of Lusk the wind kicked in and things got real. I new I needed to setup and get out as quick as possible. Thats what I did, grabbing 11 contacts on 20 meters, packed up and headed back to the truck.

Another fun activation, was happy to get all 3 summits and a total of 21 points on the day.