Reilly Forster

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VE6/BK-073 (Carbondale Hill)

After a windy night in the roof top tent, Mallen (VE6VID) and David (VE6DTS) meet us at the trail head gate to head up to Carbondale Hill. Not a overly hard hike as it follows the fire lookout road. Looking back down the valley there are some spectacular views. About 3/4 the way up Mallen and I decided to split off and pioneer a short cut. We all know how these ideas normally go. But this time it worked out as we gained the ridge and cleared two meadows very quickly. We re joined the lookout road, and waited for David and Janelle for about 20minutes. David has now posted this route on SOTA maps.

Once up it was windy, I setup sheltered beside a building, and other two setup little bit lower behind a snowdrift. I hammered out 20meters with a new short antenna Mallen had built up for me. With that I got contacts from France, Alaska, and Arizona. Quickly gaining 10 contacts.

This was a quick and dirty activation with lots of great views. I highly recommend this one on a summer day with clear Skys.