Reilly Forster

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The Saskatchewan 5 Play?

Malen (VE6VID) headed out to the flat land off Saskatchewan to hit 5 summits and bring home 48 points. The first summit VE5/SP-004 (VE5/SP-004) was a first for Mallen and I. We where Un sure on the access but we where able to drive to the activation zone on a public access road. I jumped on 20meters calling CQ and they came in fast and heavy getting my needed contacts and the points. This was my first time activating a summit that had never been activated which was exciting. From there we drove about 45minutes to the next location to activate at VE5/SP-005 (VE5/SP-005). I started on 40meters this time and was skunked, I then jumped over to 20meters once Malen was finished getting 5 contacts and my points. After this we drove an hour to another never activated spot, VE5/SP-007. We got skunked, we could see the activation area in the distance, but it was on a private road. With that I walked up to the decrepit looking farm house to ask for permission but no one was home. We moved onto our last two summit of the day heading to VE5/SP-006 quickly getting contacts and driving an hour to the last summit VE5/SP-009 and grabbing my last 8 points to finish the trip with 38 points on the day. We didnt get the 5 summits in one day, but I will take the huge jump in points.

This gets me past my first 100 points milestone and has me dreaming of 250 points milestone. Many more summits to be climbed and activated.
