Reilly Forster

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VE6/RA-091 (IF39)

An early start to grab 2 points for SOTA before starting work for the day. Mallen (VE6VID) and I meet up at the bottom gate for 0800 to head up to the summit. This hike follows the oil and gas road for 90% of the hike and then deviates onto some 4x4 trials for the last 250meters of distance. We got up in a quick amount of time, way before our alerted time. We tossed up an antenna and spotted, i went first on 20 meters and the contact came hot and heavy from California to France and a new on for me Sweden. After 15 contacts I jumped off let Mallen get his contacts.

We packed up and hiked out to the truck and on the way out ran into Ian (VE6IXD) with his hiking partner. He was doing a later start to this summit, but with it i was able to get the complete as I chased Ian from my truck at the bottom.

Another good day in the mountains.