VE6/RA-089 (Porcupine Hills Fire lookout (IA80))

by Reilly Forster


I would say this was the easiest 4 point SOTA activation I had done to date. Not to mention some fun 4x4 driving to get in. It is a well used retired oil and gas / Logging Road. During summer I bet you could hit this in a 2 wheel drive car. But during winter it needed to be 4x4.

We got lucky with weather, snow depth and melt. Making it all the way to the final gate before the fire lookout. We parked there and walked 200meters into the activation zone. With lots of trees we where able to get shelter from the wind and have a very comfortable activation. I tested out a new short 20meter only antenna to great success.

By far the easiest 4points I think you can get in Alberta. Not to mention the stunning views from the heli pad looking west.
